Testing Twitter Spaces (beta)

Guided Mason ♠️
4 min readJan 17, 2021

Adding voice to a text expressive platform never got better. You can have your very own space to speak and take your communication to the next level.

Now why would you need this?

Most times, we never know we need something until it is presented to us, and then we realize how good that could fit in our various lives.

Twitter Spaces is still beta in case you were wondering how come you don’t have it yet. Only a few people who signed up to be a part of this beta test have been granted access to it. Feedbacks will be gathered to the team to find ways to make it great for all before major roll out.

As a beta user, that is how I get to start my very own space…. The dotted icon below the GiF icon is for kickstarting twitter space.

Next are the various options on how you would like to lunch your space. With the “Everyone” option, you could hop in with you being either a listener or a speaker. You wouldn’t need the host’s authorization as the other options shown above would. You would still need to request if you want to switch to being a speaker when you join a space as a listener.

There is the dashboard as I personally call it where speakers (only 10 speakers at a time) get to share various tweets for the whole space to see. This could help with various discussions and topics of focus. There are so many options to navigate through when you join a space. It is easy to get the hang of it after a couple of minutes on there.

There are various options available when you hit on the little 3 dots icon as shown above. It’s different when you are not a hosting your very own space. I will show you that in another post. Stay tuned.

There are a lot of ways to use Twitter Spaces. Some of these options are;

  1. You could lunch your very own spaces to talk about various topics of interest.
  2. With your already core following, this makes it easier to just get up to speed and not having to rebuild a whole ground up following.
  3. You could hop on a space real quick to explain a tweet of yours which is getting traction to take it to another level and bring clarity if the need be.
  4. Sports fanatics could own a space and keep real time reactions going on during and after the game.


The voice clarity is superb.

A great networking tool.

A great marketing tool.

A good platform for education.

A great medium for brands to communicate with their customers.

Twitter is special with a human first approach to everything. The entire team have been supportive with this process and I am loving every bit of it.

There are a lot of ways for brands and individuals to utilize Spaces. Endless possibilities.

There is a lot to speak on with Spaces and the excitement around it is an understatement. I can’t wait for you to experience it.

My goal is to assist people by getting them up to speed by showing them how to navigate it while exploring its usage. The experience is amazing and we do need feedback to make it great for you. Don’t worry if you are yet to be on one, do turn on my notifications to know when I am hosting a Space.

Shout outs to the team on twitter ( @Mr_DannySingh @akkhosh Rémy) for putting me on.

And this is another one by yours truly Sika Fofro.

